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Compleanno di Vittoria Adele

Elisse Carma

Vittoria Adele is a very special little girl, a good friend of my own kids, who turned 6 this spring. I was the photographer for her beautiful Mary Poppins birthday party, which her mother organized and decorated so beautifully! Here are my favorite shots from the party.

Vittoria Adele è una bambina molto speciale, una buona amica dei miei figli, che ha compiuto 6 anni questa primavera. Sono stata la fotografa per la sua bellissima festa di compleanno, con un tema di Mary Poppins, che sua madre ha organizzato e decorato così bene! Ecco i miei scatti preferiti della festa.

Popa at the party in her dress

little boy and girl at a party

Vanessa and friends laughing at party
Nora kissed by her mom

Mary Poppins singing in the background

face painting at the party

face painting

Baby at the party

Two friends with face paint

Boy and his dad

Popa and her mom

Nora sits on her friend

Mom and a kiss from her little girl

Kiss to a friend

Two friends playing

Feeding a friend birthday cake

Crazy chaos at a party

Meltdown at the end of a party

Vanessa gets a kiss

Birthday girl running wild

© 2017 by ELISSE CARMA

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