Every 6 months, I've documented a day in the Sodergren family's life. This one was extra special because it will be the last Day In The Life session before baby boy arrives.

Anna Bella has always been number one in the Sodergren house, since the day she joined their family. This beautiful, spunky, hilarious, independent, and introverted little girl has about the best parents you could ask for.

I'm in love with this family, and I love joining them for a casual Sunday around Nagoya.

We usually start the day with the normal morning routines, with plenty of silliness involved.

Usually a few grumpy faces as well..

Anna Bella is now big enough to help Dada make breakfast.

Breaking eggs is fun, but poking Dada's bald head is even better!

Anna is now potty trained, so we had some adorable and fun potty time moments!

Apparently she does this every time :).

I always envy kids that get to hang out around the house without pants on.

Time to say good morning to Nagoya! From far above it of course!

This is one of Matt and Anna Bella's new rituals--the excited face. It kills me every time!

I mean, is there anything better than running around in your undies?

Of course Dada's teeth need to be brushed before we leave the house.

And off we go!!!

Anna leads the way these days. Down to the station we go, and off to Heiwa park.

I loved documenting all the ways Anna is growing up, doing things for herself these days. These photos make this session unique to their other Day In The Life sessions!

Watching the train arrive is always exciting, at any age!

I had to document Anna hugging her soon-to-be baby brother. How sweet is this??

Empty subway tunnels are the perfect place to run wild!

Anna saw the zoo from the station and reeeeeally wanted to go. Her parents told her we were heading the other direction, and she slowly made her way in the direction of her choice... I loved her expression and her determined stance, as she thought about whether she should give in or put up a stink. Thankfully her sweet mother talked her through it and gave her a few minutes to comply, which she did!

...But the angry moments inevitably come, as they do with any toddler!

I love the cherry blossoms on the walk to Heiwa Park.

Anna fell asleep sometime during our walk, and took a little nap under the sakura trees while her parents enjoyed the beautiful weather and relaxed.

Later we walked through the sakura again and I snapped a few final pictures. I wish I could share them all!

Jenny is such an incredible mother to Anna Bella, and I can't wait to see her family grow. This baby boy on the way is already so loved. I'm glad we could capture one last Day In The Life so that Anna Bella always remembers that special time as an only child and remembers how much she was loved, before and after her baby brother came into the picture.

As always, I can't wait for the next DITL with the Sodergrens!
Here's their slideshow: