Join me for a day in the life of the Krampe family...

Clara is two, and she loves to wear pretty dresses and she loves her dolls.

On a typical Saturday morning, Dad makes pancakes--but not just any pancakes. Mickey Mouse pancakes!!!

Probably my favorite time of any Day In The Life session is when the kids get a little crazy. When the volume goes through the roof and the kids run circles around the house running from mom or dad. The Krampes DITL was no exception!

While mom cleaned up, Dad chased the kids around the house and they screamed and shouted.

I personally think it's a pretty great way to start the day.

Clara has recently been potty trained, so we had some adorable potty moments to capture.

Aaaand back to the fun and games!

We got ready to set out for the day and Erinn found Parker stuck between the couch and the coffee table with a very worried face.

Justin and Erinn are incredibly patient when it comes to getting the kids from one place to another. I really admire their way of gently prompting the kids to keep moving and letting them have some freedom.

Clara is such a ham sometimes, and she had me laughing all day. I really love the funny faces she makes out of nowhere.

This is a pretty typical part of the Krampes' day--waiting for the subway! I loved the way the yellow everywhere matched with Clara's yellow hair bow.

To me, this photo captures how fun, easy going, and positive Justin and Erinn are, and how well they embrace adventure with their kids. I hope they see it when they look at these pictures.

We went to the zoo for a birthday party of one of Parker's classmates. My family actually attended the same party--Dean and Parker are classmates and best friends--so I was actually able to capture our families together, which was really special.

The boys had a blast, as they always do.

They really keep each other entertained for hours.

Shinkansen games are always part of their playtime.

And man, is Parker a fast train!

I'm so glad I could capture a few pictures of Justin and Erinn sitting together without the kids--talking and laughing and just being themselves.

Another potty break! In Japan, there are rarely any paper towels in public bathrooms. You are expected to bring your own little hand towel. When you don't have one with you.... you air dry! And Clara seemed to have her own opinions about that on this particular potty break!

Poor Clara took a few tumbles, as she's in that stage where she wants to run and play like her big brother but can't always keep her feet under her. Not to worry, Mama always makes it better.

When I noticed Parker getting ready for a speedy Shinkansen ride down the wheelchair ramp, I ran ahead and waited for the shot. I was really happy with the way this picture captured that little ritual! How fun is Parker's dad??

We met up with my family again for a ramen dinner. This gave me even more opportunities to capture the boys goofing off.

Saying goodbye is always so hard for these best friends...

Back at home for bath time!

Clara and Erinn play a little game where they take turns wrapping a toy in a washcloth and exchange it as if it were a gift.

During story time Clara showed us her acrobatic skills. Even without a nap she was ready to keep playing!

I love the way the Krampes love their kiddos, and I just love their family for so many reasons. They've been so special to me and to my family and I'm so glad we could capture their day together in such a fun way.
Here is their DITL slideshow!