Our kids are growing to love the ocean. In the past they've been pretty nervous about the waves and the mystery of the water.

Phuket was perfect because the coral reef broke up much of the waves, leaving only gentle waves for some mild body surfing and good swimming.

Skye... ate a lot of snacks at the beach. And some sand.

See those massive mosquito bites on Dean's leg? The downside of paradise is that he gets eaten alive. We spent nearly $50 on benadryl, various creams, and bug spray.

Of course we enjoyed sand castle building. Grandpa Fiddy is always a good sport about joining the kids activities, even if they're messy.

It was really fun to get in the water with my camera and try some new kinds of shots--a little scary, but fun.

Amelia absolutely adores her Grandpa Fiddy! I'm so grateful that the kids got to spend time with their grandparents that week. Dean keeps asking me if they're coming to Cambodia with us this weekend... We wish!

^^^This might be my favorite image from the trip. I mean, what's better than baby bums?

Skye was really nervous about the ocean, much more so than the other kiddos. She stayed on the beach a lot, and screamed when we tried to get her in the water.

Throughout the week, however, she got a little more comfortable with the water and even seemed to enjoy it for brief periods, despite her obvious distress in these images.

On our last morning at the villa we took a nice little walk on the beach one last time, soaking in the beauty of it and wishing we could stay longer.

I'm glad the kids had a great beach experience--it's one of those things that Brad and I just didn't do much of as children, though we had plenty of other great travel experiences, and it's fun to do that with them now.

Phuket, we love you. I'd say we'll be back but realistically... I just don't know if I'd ever make the long trip from the states. Too many other closer exotic beaches to explore. But from Asia, I would highly recommend it. One short flight and one 5 hour flight--not bad at all, really.

Oh yeah, and that Thai food... Boy, I thought I'd had good Thai food before visiting Thailand but I just didn't know what I was missing! I might have to go back just for coconut milk soup.