Sweet little Clara had her birthday party in June, and I got to capture the fun, the hilarity, and the chaos of the day. Kids' birthday parties are just chalk full of hilarious image possibilities, so I just shot my heart out.

Check out that sweet tan line ^^. Fantastic, is it not? This tan fireman is serious about taking care of business.

Cake cutting is such an exciting event...

Yoshito stood there quietly for a good solid minute, clearly wanting me to capture this beautiful cake. He was right, it made for a great image, but I thought his sweet expression was even better than the cake.

Parker! Oh how I love this kid. He was a good sport after being sprayed in the face, but he was sure to exclaim "NO THANK YOU!" loud and clear so as not to invite more water to the face.

I find running, happy children to be one of my favorite (and most difficult!) things to photograph. The joy and the movement bring a special magic to an image.

*GASP* She has a POPSICLE?!

Matt's a pretty good sport too. He let the kids have their fun like a good dad.

CHEEKS! He was done with the diaper, I think.

Clara and Dean have a special relationship. They are so stinking sweet together.

Sweaty babies clinging to their mamas.

We were all tuckered out after an all day water party with the sun beating down on us. The party lasted from mid morning until evening. We had a blast, and we were so happy to celebrate with sweet 2 year old Clara!