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An Evening With the Cornish Family

Elisse Carma

The family together on the couch

Oh how we miss the Cornish Family! Willa attended preschool with Dean in Nagoya. Their preschool group was a very special little group and we miss seeing all the children and their beautiful faces in the mornings. Dean especially misses his preschool buddies, and Willa is no exception.

Willa and her dad

Sara asked me to document an evening while her parents were in town from Australia.

Willa sits with her mother and grandmother

Sara's parents are such lovely people, and sweet and doting grandparents. I really enjoyed spending an evening with them and capturing their connection with the kids.

Max and Willa run wild in the house

Max and his grandma read about dinosaurs

Max cries on his mother's shoulder

Max and his grandpa walk to the park

Willa and Max at the washing station

Max and his grandparents on a walk

Max washes his feet in the fountain

Willa climbs a tree

Willa and her father at the park

Willa and her grandfather at the park

Grandma and Grandpa at the playground

Willa swings

Max at the park

Willa and her mother at the park

The whole family at the picnic table

Sara and Anthony were filmed for an episode of House Hunters International! Watch their episode here.

© 2017 by ELISSE CARMA

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