I had the opportunity to shoot a few sessions in Shirakawago in January with couples that were visiting from out of the country.

This couple, Mira and Sin, are getting married this year. They came to visit Japan from Indonesia with Mira's parents.

Shirakawago is a popular tourist destination here. It's about two hours from Nagoya, where I live.

This town has the most beautiful old houses with extremely durable grass roofs. The houses were built in a way that allows them to withstand earthquakes, and the roofs are plenty capable of withstanding heavy snowstorms.

This is known as one of the snowiest places in Japan! And it certainly didn't disappoint in the snow department on that day in January.

The snow came down heavily during most of Mira and Sin's shoot, making it pretty challenging for me.

This was my first opportunity to shoot in such heavy snow conditions, and on top of that, I was shooting with two cameras, with a long lens and wide lens. This made it very tricky to hold everything (including the umbrella), stay dry, keep my fingers from freezing, and focus on taking good pictures.

What doesn't kill you makes you stronger, right?

But really, even though it was very challenging, and even though I cursed the snow for hours afterward, I'm glad I had the chance to shoot here.

And maybe I'm crazy, but I'm going back in early March. So if you want a snowy Shirakawago session, please let me know and we'll make it happen!

Mira and Sin were great sports, even though it was their first time to experience snow, and even though they were very much not prepared for it. Their footwear was... let's just say, insufficient for trekking through snow for two hours.

I was amazed with their good attitudes, regardless of the conditions!

They both seemed very happy and in love, eager to document this magical (if freezing) experience together.

I hope they come back to Japan so we can do another session--maybe in kinder weather next time?