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Warner Family at Home

Elisse Carma

Nicole cradles her nursing baby in the sunlight from the window

Last year I shot the Warners' family photos when Nicole was in her third trimester with Taiyo. We went to a beautiful park nearby and had a lovely fall background. I really enjoyed that session with her family.

Nicole nurses Taiyo while he grips her nose lovingly

For this year's family photos, we decided to make things a little more authentic. We did an in-home one-hour session and I think it was perfect for their family.

Taiyo, who is getting more and more mobile, smiles and laughs as he scoots on the bed

Taiyo is almost a year old. I can't believe that this little one, whose birth I captured early this year, is already crawling around, pulling himself up and getting close to walking.

Ezra talks to Taiyo as Taiyo climbs around and pulls himself up to the tv stand

This age is so fun and yet so treacherous!

Ezra laughs with Jesse playfully on the couch

Ezra is in my daughter's elementary school class.

Nicole carries Ezra across the room, both laughing

He's such a fun kid. He's bright and energetic and free spirited and I love how Nicole embraces his uniqueness.

Ezra is doing his homework, Nicole helping him, Ezra pointing his pencil at her

Ezra did some homework while I was there. Of course he wasn't terribly excited about it, but he was cooperative.

Nicole laughs with Ezra while she helps him with homework

His mom helped him as he worked out a poem for his assignment.

A beautiful, hand-written Sports Poem by Ezra Warner

Kid poems are the best.

Ezra and Nicole laugh about a card that Ezra made for her

Ezra showed us this card he made for his mom that week. It was so sweet and hilarious, expressing his love for his mom, and ending with a request to have a playdate with his neighbor that day.

As we prepare for a family  picture on the couch, Taiyo cries and Ian pouts and their parents comfort them

We got in a few posed family pictures on the couch, and of course this provided more opportunities to show their personalities and connections as Taiyo whined to be free and Ian was comforted and persuaded to comply.

Family picture time on the couch, the boys all look at their parents in surprise

Nicole and Jesse are really sweet, gentle, loving parents, and I love the calm energy they have in their home. They inspire me to be more gentle with my own children.

Nicole cradles Ezra lovingly on the couch

I'm so glad we got some images capturing the loving, affectionate way Ezra interacts with Nicole and Jesse.

Jesse holds his little boy up high in the air

Jesse is so in love with this baby boy!

Nicole high fives her son, who is excited about his drone

Ian was really excited about his drone, so we went outside and he and Ezra happily flew the drone for a while.

Taiyo cries on his dad's shoulders in his cute little beanie and cozy jumper

Taiyo was having a bit of a rough afternoon, but honestly, I love grumpy baby pictures just as much as the happy ones. Especially when they're wearing a cute little beanie like this.

Nicole kisses sweet little Taiyo in his winter clothes

Nicole laughs with her older boys as they embrace her

Family picture time outside, Taiyo doesn't want to cooperate.

I really love this family, and I'm so grateful that we met them here in Japan. It's so nice to have friends who are experiencing this same crazy journey as us and for our kids to have these friendship as well.

I look forward to the next shoot with the Warners--even if it means a visit to Seattle!

© 2017 by ELISSE CARMA

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