What an incredible year. We landed in Bali literally just as 2017 began, fireworks greeting us on the ground. We ended 2017 in the Bangkok airport, watching fireworks (some of us sleeping) through the windows around us.From Bali to Thailand, Paris to Seoul, from a thrilling birth to Day in the Life sessions to birthday parties, from Hiroshima to Mount Fuji, and everything in between... This has been an exciting year, to say the least. And honestly, I'd say it's been the best year of my life thus far. It's been challenging and exciting in ways I never would have expected. I reached goals I would never have thought possible. I taught my very first photography workshop, which was a blast, and which I plan to do again. I sang on stage for the first time, in front of 25 of our closest friends in Japan. I hauled children through foreign countries, explored places I never thought I'd see. I developed a serious hunger for travel and proved to myself that I can let go of all the small stuff and just enjoy the craziness of international travel with children. I learned that I'm much more spontaneous than I thought. I shot several Day In The Life sessions, something I've wanted to do for a few years now, and learned a lot about how to do that. I created my first photography website. I danced with my kids, a lot. I never really did that before. I tried foods and drinks that I never imagined I would. I found spirituality and wisdom in Buddhism, meditation, yoga and literature. I found strength inside myself that I never knew was there. I found incredible, lasting, supportive friendships that have blown me away. And I found myself even deeper in love with my husband than ever. Sorry, I didn't mean to get so sappy there. I'm just so grateful for a whirlwind of a year, for the beauty of the world around me and the lovely life I live. If you've made it this far into my novel... thanks for being someone who makes my life beautiful.
PS, Here's a really fun slideshow from my first real year of taking photography seriously, if you're interested: