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Anna Bella's Grandparents Visit Japan

Elisse Carma

Jenny, Anna Bella, Matt, and his dad walk down the street.

Jenny and Matt asked me to spend an hour with them while Matt's parents were in town. Grandparent sessions are always a fun opportunity to create some beautiful pictures. I was thrilled for the chance!

Mother kisses her baby girl

We started out at a park near the Sodergrens' apartment in Nagoya.

Grandparents watch Anna Bella swinging

Anna Bella loves the park, so this is always an easy way to make her feel comfortable and capture the grandparents interacting with their granddaughter.

Anna Bella is happy in her mother's arms

Of course, at 2 years old, Anna Bella favors her mother, so she spent lots of time in her mother's arms. That's okay--I love to capture that bond as well.

Angry Anna Bella glares at me

Here Anna Bella shot me one of her killer glares, which I always love. Seriously, I love it.

Anna Bella laughs by the water fountain

Anna Bella runs from one thing to another on the playground, and she always has to stop at the water fountain...

Anna Bella drinks from the dog fountain

...for a drink from the dog spout. Because why not?

Anna bella wants to swing

Then of course, back to the swings.

Anna Bella swings

This girl loves her blue swing. And I love the smiles I get from her and that she's started requesting that "Skye Mom" push her.

Posed family picture with grandparents

It was so fun to meet Matt's parents and get a little insight into how Matt came to be who he is. I enjoyed hearing stories about Matt as a little kid and seeing his love for his parents.

Crossing the street on the way back to the apartment

We walked back to the apartment when the rain started sprinkling us.

Anna Bella and her dad sit in the lobby chairs

As usual, Anna Bella plopped herself into one of the lobby chairs as we entered the apartment building. Matt sat with her until Anna Bella demanded he remove himself--which was shortly after this picture was taken.

Anna Bella laughs on the couch

At home, Anna Bella relaxed and began to play as usual.

Anna Bella and her mother

Anna Bella wants food from the fridge

We had snack time...

Anna Bella looks into the fridge with her mother
Anna Bella smiles at her grandma

She played while her grandparents chased her around a bit. Anna Bella ran circles around the apartment and giggled at everyone.

Anna Bella smiles at her grandpa while they play together

Grandpa chased her and got on the ground to play with her. The adults had some Sake and read books to AB--Matt and his mom even had a toy tea party. It was a lovely evening at the Sodergrens, and I'm glad we documented some of the time they had together. As expats we see our family so rarely, and I think Jenny and Matt were wise to capture those memories for Anna Bella to look back on in their photo book and remember Grandma and Grandpa Sodergren and their visit to Japan.

Matt carries Anna Bella like a crazy person

© 2017 by ELISSE CARMA

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