My one hour session with my brother in law's family was a lot of fun. This family does not lack personality. They made me laugh nearly the entire session.

Liz inspired me and challenged me. She danced and she laughed and she gave me all sorts of hilarious faces. I've known her a while and I never realized quite how dramatic she is, in the best way. She is comfortable in her skin and I admire her ability to be just who she is with no apologies and no inhibitions.

Her serious face (maybe a little bit angry face?) reminded me of a horror movie. I loved it.

And her laugh was even better. I loved the challenge to capture just who she is.

Liz's family loves her in a really special way. I love the way they have fun with each other and laugh together.

These boys also kept me on my toes. But I love when the personality of the kids I'm shooting with comes through loud and clear.

Dave has a pretty fantastic smile and he's a serious charmer.

Jake's not necessarily the smiling, wooing kind, but I think he's just as charming in his own way. I really enjoy Jake's company because of how honest and straightforward he always is.

Despite their patience, I could tell Brian and Tricia thought the kids had been a little too wild and free during our session. I think most parents feel that way at the end of a one hour photoshoot. But as I reassured them at the time, personality is just what I'm looking for when I'm shooting with kids. I love that their kids are just who they are, and they don't look at me with nervous faces and put on a cheesy smile or bug eyes. They just did their thing, and that allowed me to do my thing... and it turned out pretty awesome!