We finished up our home leave with a family reunion with the Weinert side. We stayed in a cabin in the mountains near Denver. I swear, Colorado is the best place to spend the summer. Gorgeous weather, gorgeous scenery. We always enjoy it.

The kids love their grandparents so much and they always look forward to spending time with them, rare as it is. That's definitely one of the hardest parts about living abroad--missing out on time with family.

While I didn't get my camera out very much during that week, I did take quite a few at the end of the week when we visited this state park with the remaining family members. It was incredibly beautiful and almost empty--which always makes for better pictures!

The kids ran wild.

Skye's never too happy about chilling in the stroller. She'd much rather get out and walk or be held. So this is the face she gave me to express how she felt about it...

Grandpa's always a good sport, though Amelia pushes her luck sometimes. She might be a bit big for a shoulder ride...

Here are a few from the family reunion.

Alec doesn't like to be tickled. His brothers know just how to push his buttons.

It was an impromptu family picture, but I think it turned out nicely. They laugh at me when I tell them to talk to each other instead of looking straight at the camera. Everyone always does. But that's okay, because laughing makes for great pictures too.