After my week with my sister in Arizona, I met Brad and the kids in Pagosa Springs, CO for our annual Jackson Family Reunion.

Every other year since I was a little kid we've vacationed here. It's like heaven on earth--breathtaking mountains and green valleys, rivers and lakes, great hiking, condos on a golf course, perfect weather in the middle of July. Colorado has the most incredible skies I've ever seen.

The kids were in heaven with their cousins all week. They are so lucky to have plenty of cousins their age. And that means Brad and I are lucky because our kids are entertained for an entire week.

Amelia and Huey are always inseparable and Colt and Dean quickly became inseparable as well.

And I loved getting to know my nieces and nephews better. It always feels like it's been way too long since we've seen them, but also like somehow we know them so well. I guess that's the beauty of the internet and social media.

Colt is so adorable with my brother Dustinn. I've never seen a little boy so attached to his daddy. It's the sweetest thing. And Dustinn, in this image above, was drifting off in this chair, clearly exhausted from travel, telecommuting, and, ya know, being a dad to 6 kids... but when Colt climbed into his lap, Dustinn opened his arms and snuggled Colt in tight.

This is Guy. He's stinking cute.

We had a really fun week with all the Jacksons and we're sad that it'll be another year before we can spend time with them again. But until then, the kids will be begging to see their cousins and remembering their week together in "Co-do-wa-do."