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Sake Skills: An Evening with the Whites

Elisse Carma

Updated: Dec 9, 2019

My friend Gaby had her family visit her here in Japan. I know how much she looked forward to it and I was impressed with how she planned their visit, full of exciting trips around Japan and unique Japanese experiences.

She asked me to document a special evening in her home with her family: a Japanese Sake Tasting!

How cool is that? Ayako-San comes to your home and sets up the Sake samples, educates you about Japanese rice wine and the process of making it, and teaches you through all your senses what Sake is all about.

Miss G thought Grandma's glasses were more interesting than the Sake lessons...

Braxton was happy to help his dad with tasting (KIDDING! this was water...)

Cheerios and Sake. A fabulous combination, I think.

Of course the kids were intrigued by the lovely amber liquid in all these little glasses, but this Mama kept her eye on little G while she sampled number 5.

The kids were active, as all toddlers are just before bedtime, but I think that added to the fun of the event.

Sake makes everything more fun, don't you think? The Whites all decided that real, authentic Japanese Sake was leaps and bounds better than sake in the US. I think they were quite impressed.

Camila and Anthony were on day 1 of jet lag but hung in there quite impressively through the night! Camila told us she must be buzzed after only a little Sake, but we assured her that was the jet lag hitting hard (at around 3am stateside!).

Finally it was time for everyone to wind down, especially this tired one. Off to bed she went while the rest of the family relaxed in the after-Sake glow.

I fell in love with Gaby's family that night. I was amazed by their respect for each other, their comfort being themselves in their family's presence, their humor, and the love they shared.

Her mother especially warmed my heart. Watching her dance and sing to Marc Anthony while her husband and son bonded over computer games was the highlight of my evening.

I think they pulled off a pretty successful Sake tasting. And I highly recommend the event to anyone with family visiting them in Japan or anyone who wants a really cool Japanese experience! And don't forget to invite me to capture the evening for you!

See more of Gaby's family adventures in Japan on her awesome blog:

© 2017 by ELISSE CARMA

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